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Location of Belarus Part of the former USSR, Belarus has historically taken advantage of its convenient location between Europe and Russia. Its European culture and high level of education of local people were at the core of the former Soviet government’s decision to put its major scientific centers in Belarus, making it second only to Moscow in terms of technological advancement. Since USSR’s collapse, Belarus has inherited most of the Soviet technology potential. Now Belarusian technology schools release over 20,000 young IT professionals each year.

Most of this potential, however, remains unrealized. Heavily regulated economy, lack of democratic reforms, high bureaucracy, and non-transparent business environment is the other side of the USSR’s heritage Belarus has yet to overcome. That makes the entrance for most western companies to Belarus almost impracticable, as it requires very high level of familiarity with non-western legal environment. However, because few businesses place their outsourcing centers in Belarus, software development costs are low enough to be comparable to those in India, while professional skills of Belarusian IT specialists are high enough to be comparable with those of Moscow ones.

Global IT Outsourcing Group is proud of having been able to overcome Belarusian barriers of entry through recent partnership with Effective Solutions International outsourcing company, whose highly-professional local managers have more than 12 years of experience of operating outsourcing centers in Minsk, Belarus and in Prague, Czech Republic. This partnership has given Global IT Outsourcing Group an access to an unprecedented pool of highly-skilled local technology specialists, allowing us to offer even wider choice of outsourcing options to our clients, thus bringing our global competitiveness to a new level. Currently Belarus is an optimal choice for those of our clients who want to meet high quality or high performance goals with tight budget.
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