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eCommerce Our eCommerce solutions development, integration, and testing practices are significantly augmented by the profound experience with the Intelligent Customer Experience Solutions delivered by the world leading providers that include self-service, contact center, and peer support applications suites. Drawing on this experience, Global IT Outsourcing Group delivers eCommerce services that:
bullet Offer personalized, self-service end-user experience
bullet Support multiple channels of user access, including Web, e-mail, and VoIP
bullet Capture feedback from end-users, customers, and support staff
bullet Organize and rank customer preferences for relevancy
bullet Integrate self-service and assisted service with equal facility
bullet Scale effectively to match your business growth
bullet Deliver proactive resolution of end-users problems
bullet Incorporate pre-existing knowledge bases
bullet Resolve integration issues tightly coupled with application extension
The combined experience of our global outsourcing center includes delivering:
bullet eCommerce portals
bullet Categorized digital catalogs
bullet Customer information systems
bullet Centralized administrative tools
bullet Decision-making support tools
bullet Resource analysis and reservation systems
bullet Unified search engines
bullet Workflow management systems
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